Electric two-wheelers

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An e-bike is a bicycle equipped with a controllable electric auxiliary motor and a battery. It enables speeds of up to 45 km/h. In contrast to classic e-bikes, pedelecs only offer motor assistance if riders are actively pressing the pedals. Another difference is that pedelecs are only supported up to a speed of 25 km/h. However, it is important to note that most e-bikes on the market can also be classified as pedelecs.
An electric motorcycle is powered by an electric motor in the same way as an electric car and, unlike a conventional motorcycle with a petrol engine, is extremely quiet. Although progress is being made in development, the ranges of electric motorcycles are still limited. Riders should therefore plan their stops carefully. However, it is only a matter of time before major manufacturers will launch marketable models with longer ranges. Whether the purchase is worthwhile depends on the individual needs. An electric motorcycle is certainly advisable for anyone who values sustainability and is open to the latest innovations. However, if you are looking for a little more convenience with regard to the plannability of routes, you should continue to observe market developments.
E-scooters are scooters with an electric drive – manoeuvrable, small and easy to transport. E-scooters usually have separate brakes at the front and rear, a removable battery and an integrated electric motor. In addition to the rear foot brake, the latest e-scooters have electric brakes on the front wheel. High-quality models even have a regenerative brake. This is an additional benefit, as it can recover part of the braking energy as electrical energy and supply the battery with new power. Another advantage of e-scooters is sustainability when the electricity comes from renewable energy sources. In urban locations, sharing concepts are available for renting e-scooters.

Electric two-wheelers are often associated with high purchase costs. That’s why we recommend taking out theft insurance. There is also a legal requirement for e-scooters and electric motorcycles to have liability insurance as a minimum. Other useful insurance cover includes:

  • Comprehensive insurance: comprehensive protection covers, for example, collision damage, storm damage, fire, collision with animals.
  • Accident insurance: covers injuries or deaths caused by accidents, for example.
  • Home insurance: in principle, pedelecs and e-bikes up to a certain maximum speed can also be insured in the home contents insurance.
Many countries offer subsidies for electric vehicles, including electric bikes, through various incentives. However, subsidy measures differ significantly between countries and regions. Examples of countries that have so far offered subsidies for electric bikes include Germany, France, Italy, India and the USA. In regions with a strong focus on the expansion of electric mobility, there are therefore better opportunities of subsidies for electric bikes. Since subsidy programmes may change over time, it is advisable to regularly check the current subsidy policy in the respective countries.