Yes, electric cars also need TÜV (MOT) certification of roadworthiness. Since electric cars do not require an exhaust emissions test, the overall statutory inspection costs are slightly lower than for a combustion-engine vehicle. The inspection of the high-voltage system, on the other hand, is a specific item in the statutory inspection for electric cars. The brakes and tyres on the drive axles are also considered sensitive, as defects can occur more often than on combustion-engine vehicles. 
Yes, electric cars also need TÜV (MOT) certification of roadworthiness. Since electric cars do not require an exhaust emissions test, the overall statutory inspection costs are slightly lower than for a combustion-engine vehicle. The inspection of the high-voltage system, on the other hand, is a specific item in the statutory inspection for electric cars. The tyres on the drive axles are also considered sensitive, as defects can occur more often than on combustion-engine vehicles. 
Inspections of all-electric vehicles tend to be cheaper than for combustion-engine vehicles. This is because electric cars have significantly less wear-prone and maintenance-intensive parts. There is no ignition system and no alternator. The cylinder head including gasket cannot break in an electric car, as none are present. There is also no need to change the oil in electric cars. Even brake wear is reduced by recuperation, as fewer brake interventions are required.
Although the possibilities are limited, you can nevertheless do some regular work yourself to save workshop costs. This primarily includes replacing the windscreen wipers, topping up the washer fluid and changing the tyres. Minor paint damage can also be repaired yourself. It is also possible to replace certain parts of the control system or replace the brakes. However, these tasks require special tools and skill. In general, brakes on electric cars are subject to less stress due to recuperation and do not have to be replaced as often as on a vehicle with combustion engine.
Repairs to the electric car battery require special care and should ideally be carried out by professionals. High safety requirements must be met for all parts that are connected to the high-voltage system. High-voltage batteries are always live, even when the vehicle is switched off. In the first step, the high-voltage system must therefore be isolated from the rest of the vehicle. For this purpose, a circuit breaker is installed at the factory for de-energising the car. Since repairing a battery requires special expertise and experience, it is advisable to contact an authorised service partner or expert.