In addition to battery capacity, other factors affect the range of an electric vehicle, including driving style, vehicle weight, tyre pressure, outside temperature and speed. New batteries typically have a higher capacity than older models, but charge losses can occur over time and with repeated charging cycles that reduce the range. In addition, frequent use of air conditioning or heating, incorrect tyre pressure and frequent moving off lead to increased energy consumption, which in turn has a negative impact on the range. However, an anticipatory and careful driving style can help to optimise the range. 
WLTP is a standardised procedure for measuring range. WLTP stands for Worldwide Harmonized Light-Duty Vehicles Test Procedure. It is the latest measurement method and has become the standard in Europe and Japan in particular. This procedure involves outdoor testing and also includes factors such as temperature, road conditions and the use of various equipment such as air conditioning or seat heating.
  • Efficient driving: a higher range is possible through anticipatory driving with moderate acceleration and the use of the energy-saving ECO mode depending on the traffic situation.
  • Controlled use of energy consumers such as air conditioning systems or seat or interior heating. This reduces power consumption and creates a range advantage for electric cars.
  • Brake energy recovery/recuperation: during braking, the electric motor converts the kinetic energy into electrical energy to charge the battery.
  • Reduced weight: an electric car with a light load consumes less energy and can thus increase the range.
  • Coasting mode: in coasting mode, recuperation is deactivated and the electric car rolls without energy loss. The kinetic energy is used to increase the range.
There are numerous apps for electric car range planning that help to make trips more efficient. Many of these apps are free of charge and offer a comprehensive map overview of charging stations at home and abroad. They enable the targeted search for charging points based on various criteria such as connection type, charging capacity and availability. Some apps also have a reservation function and take into account additional factors such as topography, weather conditions and vehicle speed. This enables a more precise estimate of the remaining range.
All in all, electric vehicles can be expected to cover increasingly long distances per charging process in the future. Important driving forces include advancements in battery technology, enhanced efficiency and innovative charging technologies. The expansion of the charging infrastructure and growing competition in the electric mobility sector are also driving the increase in range. Nevertheless, electric car drivers should bear in mind that their driving style, weather conditions and individual usage behaviour influence the actual range.