Electric car leasing is ideal for businesses, technology enthusiasts, price-conscious private individuals and anyone who wants to test electric mobility for themselves. It offers many benefits, including low maintenance costs, tax incentives, regular updates and lower initial costs. Since the contract terms vary from provider to provider, it is advisable to compare different offers carefully. 
Commercial leasing can be economically beneficial if a company regularly uses vehicles for business purposes. Commercial customers often receive (quantity) discounts and advantages from dealerships by purchasing several vehicles. The lower monthly lease instalment protects the company’s liquidity and makes more funds available for other business needs. Another factor resulting in favourable leasing conditions for commercial customers is additional revenue for the dealerships through services, as company cars are driven often and therefore have to be regularly maintained. In many countries, leasing instalments are tax deductible, which means that the cost of the leased vehicle can be classed as an operating expense and lead to a potential tax saving.
Private leasing is a better option if you value flexibility, don't want to worry about the residual value and use the electric vehicle primarily for private purposes. Even for people with a fixed monthly budget for car costs who prefer predictable payments, private leasing offers easily plannable monthly instalments that eliminate the risk of unexpected repair costs. In some regions, certain costs of private leasing may be tax-deductible, especially if the vehicle is also used for professional purposes. At the end of the lease term, return of the vehicle without any major defects is usually no problem, and customers do not have to worry about resale.
It is advisable to keep an eye on all potential costs, especially hidden charges such as transfers and service packages. The regulations on excess and unused mileage should also be observed: Unused mileage is often reimbursed to a limited extent, while excess mileage can incur additional costs. Although the lessor bears the risk for the residual value, it is important to check whether and to what conditions this commitment is bound, such as a minimum holding period or maximum term. Particular attention should be paid to the “fair wear and tear” clause in the contract, as it specifies which signs of wear and tear are considered normal and can lead to additional costs. You should also find out about options for amending your contract, as your own life situation may change over time. Early termination and financial consequences should also be known.
Yes, many countries are promoting the transition to green vehicles through government incentives for the purchase or leasing of electric cars. These incentives include, for example, tax benefits, subsidies and bonuses. Lessees also benefit, as this leads to a reduction in lease payments. However, the amount of the subsidy is often linked to conditions such as a minimum lease term. The actual benefits for leasing customers therefore depend heavily on the programs and regulations in the respective countries.